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This is still a work in progress!

A voxel engine in dotnet core

The goal is simple, show a scene where a sphere grows from an ever increasing number of voxels.

Now, how to get there? First the language: C# using dotnet core as the provider for the base libraries. I will use Monogame for all the graphics, windowing and event stuff. Why these two? Because I know C# and want to get results quick, managing memory as would be done in C/C++ will slow me down. My Rust is bad, I do not have enough experience with it to build something quick.


I will try to get all the code on a github somewhere, using branches for all the steps. I am a fan of commandlines and Linux, but I will try to avoid Linux specific stuff. All we will use are the tools already available with dotnet core. I assume you know your IDE and have at least some experience with developing C# applications. So let us begin!

Move to the next step!